Renewing the Board of Directors

Just like every year, it’s time to renew our social charges. Applications for the Board of Directors are officially open! 📣

Being part of the Board of Directors means to play a crucial role for the Association’s life, helping to shape and continue its mission. It’s an incredible training ground for soft skills and allows anybody to get involved without the burden of responsibility that comes from a job.

Keep in mind!
In order to vote and get elected, it is necessary to be a Member of PoliEdro and in good standing with the membership fee for the year 2021/22.
Board composition

There are five members:

  • President, representative and general counsel of the Association;
  • Vice-president, that shall substitute the President when the President is unavailable;
  • Secretary with the function of Treasurer, that draws up the budget;
  • two Advisors, that help the rest of the Board in the administration of the Association and in managing the activities.
Board duties

Don’t let this long list of duties scare you! Not only are they shared among all Board Members, but you’ll also be initially tutored by the outgoing Board, step by step.

Let’s have a look of the main duties:

  • drafting a schedule of events and social activities following the guidelines approved by the Assembly of Members;
  • applying to the call Bando Attività Culturali provided by the University to found social activities approved by the Assembly of Members;
  • cooperating with Community Life and the Equal Opportunities units of the University;
  • managing and reserving spaces in the University;
  • attending the meetings of Tavolo delle Associazioni Studentesche of Politecnico di Milano;
  • attending the meetings of Coordinamento Arcobaleno delle associazioni LGBT+ milanesi;
  • collecting membership fees, drawing up the budget, determining the rules of procedure;
  • deciding on the admission, suspension, disbarring and expelling of Members;
  • encouraging participation among the Association Members.
How to apply?

From today, September 22, 2021, you can submit your application by sending an email to Please attach (whether possible) a picture and a short description that will guide the voters. All Members regularly enrolled in Politecnico di Milano for the current academic year can apply.

The deadline for submission expires on September 30, 2021, at 12:00.

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