All websites
Traffic analytics
This website uses traffic analytics services such as Google Analytics and WordPress JetPack. These services store cookies and collect navigation data. They’re also regulated by their own privacy policies. Please read them.
Main website (
This website stores cookies on the user’s device to allow for its correct rendering.
The website is based on WordPress, which stores cookies.
Personal data typed into the main page contact form will only be collected and used to answer messages and to deliver the service.
Personal data obtained from any other form on this website (such as comment forms) will be collected and used for that specific purpose only. In particular, data collected from comment forms will be used to render comments and to eventually provide notification services.
Social buttons
Social buttons may be inserted at some point in this website. Those buttons are regulated by their own privacy policies. Please read them.
Donations website
The website is made of two components:
- Front-end, at
- Back-end, at
The front-end doesn’t store any information. The back end stores all data typed into forms in the front-end website, and PayPal payment information, which is used exclusively for accounting and gadget reservation management.
The website uses PayPal. Please read their privacy policy.
PoliMi Pride website
The website is static and does not collect any kind of information (aside of data collected by Google Analytics).