Tomorrow December 1st is World AIDS Day. PoliEdro, in partnership with La Terna Sinistrorsa, CUG (Comitato Unico di Garanzia, Guarantee Committee) and LILA (Lega Italiana Lotta AIDS, Italian League for Fighting AIDS) will hold informative stands about Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
The stands will be located in “Patio” (building 11 open space) in Leonardo campus, and in front of the entrance of building B2 in Bovisa campus, from 10am to 4pm.
At the same time, the other LGBT associations GayStatale and BESt Bocconi will also hold informative stands in their own Universities.
There is a lot of disinformation around STDs, which makes them more dangerous and spreads the social stigma towards the people who are affected. Our goal is to raise awareness about them so people can live their sexual life more responsibly.
We’ll have a quiz for those who want to test their knowledge and, for those who “pass” it, there will be a lot of gadgets 😉